This batch file will walk through the steps to clean up Windows 10.
Feel free to modify this for your own needs.
Use at your own risk, I am not responsible for use of this software.
@Echo off
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
Echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
) else (
Color 4F
Echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate.
Echo You need Administrative permissions for this to work properly.
Color 7
:: Start Date and Time
Set Year=%date:~10,4%
Set Month=%date:~4,2%
Set Day=%date:~7,2%
Set StartTime=%Time:~0,5%
Echo Starting: %Day%-%Month%-%Year% %StartTime%
SET /P QQ01= Delete Temp Files? Y N or X?
If %QQ01%==y goto Q1Y
if %QQ01%==Y goto Q1Y
if %QQ01%==n goto Q2
if %QQ01%==N goto Q2
if %QQ01%==x goto End
if %QQ01%==X goto End
goto Q1
Color 71
SET /P ZZa= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP %userprofile%\Recent\ ? E D S ?
If %ZZa%==e goto Q1aL
If %ZZa%==E goto Q1aL
If %ZZa%==d goto Q1aY
If %ZZa%==D goto Q1aY
If %ZZa%==s goto Q1b
If %ZZa%==S goto Q1b
Goto Q1a
Explorer "%userprofile%\Recent"
Goto Q1b
del /s /f /q %userprofile%\Recent\*.*
SET /P ZZb= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP C:\Windows\Prefetch\ ? E D S ?
If %ZZb%==e goto Q1bL
If %ZZb%==E goto Q1bL
If %ZZb%==d goto Q1bY
If %ZZb%==D goto Q1bY
If %ZZb%==s goto Q1c
If %ZZb%==S goto Q1c
Goto Q1b
explorer "C:\Windows\Prefetch"
Goto Q1c
del /s /f /q C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.*
SET /P ZZc= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP C:\Windows\Temp ? E D S ?
If %ZZc%==e goto Q1cL
If %ZZc%==E goto Q1cL
If %ZZc%==d goto Q1cY
If %ZZc%==D goto Q1cY
If %ZZc%==s goto Q1d
If %ZZc%==S goto Q1d
Goto Q1c
explorer "C:\Windows\Temp"
Goto Q1d
del /s /f /q C:\Windows\Temp\*.*
SET /P ZZd= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP %USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\temp ? E D S ?
If %ZZd%==e goto Q1dL
If %ZZd%==E goto Q1dL
If %ZZd%==d goto Q1dY
If %ZZd%==D goto Q1dY
If %ZZd%==s goto Q1e
If %ZZd%==S goto Q1e
Goto Q1d
explorer "%USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\temp"
Goto Q1e
del /s /f /q %USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\temp\*.*
SET /P ZZe= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP %USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache ? E D S ?
If %ZZe%==e goto Q1eL
If %ZZe%==E goto Q1eL
If %ZZe%==d goto Q1eY
If %ZZe%==D goto Q1eY
If %ZZe%==s goto Q1f
If %ZZe%==S goto Q1f
Goto Q1e
explorer "%USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache"
Goto Q1f
del /s /f /q %USERPROFILE%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*.*
SET /P ZZf= Do you want to EDIT or DELETE or SKIP C:\Windows\Logs\CBS ? E D S ?
If %ZZf%==e goto Q1fL
If %ZZf%==E goto Q1fL
If %ZZf%==d goto Q1fY
If %ZZf%==D goto Q1fY
If %ZZf%==s goto Q1g
If %ZZf%==S goto Q1g
Goto Q1f
explorer "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS"
Goto Q1g
del /s /f /q C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*.*
Color 07
SET /P QQ02= Start System Maintenance? Y N or X?
If %QQ02%==y goto Q2Y
if %QQ02%==Y goto Q2Y
if %QQ02%==n goto Q3
if %QQ02%==N goto Q3
if %QQ02%==x goto End
if %QQ02%==X goto End
goto Q2
MSchedExe.exe Start
SET /P QQ03= Check Start Up Programs? Y N or X?
If %QQ03%==y goto Q3Y
if %QQ03%==Y goto Q3Y
if %QQ03%==n goto Q4
if %QQ03%==N goto Q4
if %QQ03%==x goto End
if %QQ03%==X goto End
goto Q3
Color 71
Echo Pay close attention to the 'Startup Impact' values for each program e.g. 'High'
Echo 2 other file explorer windows are open with programs that auto start.
taskmgr /7 /startup
explorer "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
explorer "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"
Color 07
SET /P QQ04= Disable Indexing? Y N or X?
If %QQ04%==y goto Q4Y
if %QQ04%==Y goto Q4Y
if %QQ04%==n goto Q5
if %QQ04%==N goto Q5
if %QQ04%==x goto End
if %QQ04%==X goto End
goto Q4
sc config WSearch start= disabled
SET /P QQ05= Disable Visual Effects? and Recovery Protection? Y N or X?
If %QQ05%==y goto Q5Y
if %QQ05%==Y goto Q5Y
if %QQ05%==n goto Q6
if %QQ05%==N goto Q6
if %QQ05%==x goto End
if %QQ05%==X goto End
goto Q5
Color 71
Echo Select "Advanced"
Echo Preformance "Settings"
Echo "Adjust for best performance"
Echo "OK"
Echo Startup and Recovery "Settings"
Echo Check "Time to display list of operating systems" 20 seconds
Echo "OK"
:: Echo Select "System Protection"
:: Echo Click "Windows C:"
:: Echo Select "Configure"
:: Echo Turn ON system protection
:: Echo Set "Disk Sapce Usage" to 20 GB
:: Echo "OK"
Echo "OK"
Color 07
SET /P QQ06= Disable Transparncy? Y N or X?
If %QQ06%==y goto Q6Y
if %QQ06%==Y goto Q6Y
if %QQ06%==n goto Q7
if %QQ06%==N goto Q7
if %QQ06%==x goto End
if %QQ06%==X goto End
goto Q6
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" /V "EnableTransparency /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
SET /P QQ07= Flush DNS? Y N or X?
If %QQ07%==y goto Q7Y
if %QQ07%==Y goto Q7Y
if %QQ07%==n goto Q8
if %QQ07%==N goto Q8
if %QQ07%==x goto End
if %QQ07%==X goto End
goto Q7
ipconfig /flushdns
::Click the Windows menu and type 'Disk Cleanup' in the search bar to get started. The utility will offer you a choice of files to remove. Simply mark the check box next to each option. Click 'Clean up system Files' to begin. Disk Cleanup will calculate the amount of space you will save.
SET /P QQ08= Run Disk Cleanup? Y N or X?
If %QQ08%==y goto Q8Y
if %QQ08%==Y goto Q8Y
if %QQ08%==n goto Q9
if %QQ08%==N goto Q9
if %QQ08%==x goto End
if %QQ08%==X goto End
goto Q8
c:\windows\SYSTEM32\cleanmgr /d C /lowdisk
SET /P QQ09= Uninstall Bloatware? Y N or X?
If %QQ09%==y goto Q9Y
if %QQ09%==Y goto Q9Y
if %QQ09%==n goto Q10
if %QQ09%==N goto Q10
if %QQ09%==x goto End
if %QQ09%==X goto End
goto Q9
control appwiz.cpl
SET /P QQ10= Monitor=60min Sleep=Never Standby=Never Hibernate=Never? Y N or X?
If %QQ10%==y goto Q10Y
if %QQ10%==Y goto Q10Y
if %QQ10%==n goto Q11
if %QQ10%==N goto Q11
if %QQ10%==x goto End
if %QQ10%==X goto End
goto Q10
powercfg.exe -x -monitor-timeout-ac 60
powercfg.exe -x -monitor-timeout-dc 60
powercfg.exe -x -disk-timeout-ac 0
powercfg.exe -x -disk-timeout-dc 0
powercfg.exe -x -standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg.exe -x -standby-timeout-dc 0
powercfg.exe -x -hibernate-timeout-ac 0
powercfg.exe -x -hibernate-timeout-dc 0
powercfg /SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226 0
SET /P QQ11= Sync time to the Internet? Y N or X?
If %QQ11%==y goto Q11Y
if %QQ11%==Y goto Q11Y
if %QQ11%==n goto Q12
if %QQ11%==N goto Q12
if %QQ11%==x goto End
if %QQ11%==X goto End
goto Q11
net stop w32time
w32tm /unregister
w32tm /register
net start w32time
w32tm /resync
SET /P QQ12= Do you want Remove News and Interests Y N or X?
If %QQ12%==y goto Q12Y
if %QQ12%==Y goto Q12Y
if %QQ12%==n goto Q13
if %QQ12%==N goto Q13
if %QQ12%==x goto End
if %QQ12%==X goto End
goto Q12
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Feeds" /V ShellFeedsTaskbarViewMode /T REG_DWORD /D 2 /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Feeds" /V EnableFeeds /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
SET /P QQ13= Disabl Telemetry Y N or X?
If %QQ13%==y goto Q13Y
if %QQ13%==Y goto Q13Y
if %QQ13%==n goto Q14
if %QQ13%==N goto Q14
if %QQ13%==x goto End
if %QQ13%==X goto End
goto Q13
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /V AllowTelemetry /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
SET /P QQ14= Disabling Location Tracking Y N or X?
If %QQ14%==y goto Q14Y
if %QQ14%==Y goto Q14Y
if %QQ14%==n goto Q15
if %QQ14%==N goto Q15
if %QQ14%==x goto End
if %QQ14%==X goto End
goto Q14
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Sensor\Overrides\{BFA794E4-F964-4FDB-90F6-51056BFE4B44}" /V SensorPermissionState /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
REG ADD "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\lfsvc\Service\Configuration" /V Status /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
SET /P QQ15= Disable IPV6 on Ethernet? Y N or X?
If %QQ15%==y goto Q15Y
if %QQ15%==Y goto Q15Y
if %QQ15%==n goto Q16
if %QQ15%==N goto Q16
if %QQ15%==x goto End
if %QQ15%==X goto End
goto Q15
Echo Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name Ethernet -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 >DisIP6.ps1
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& './DisIP6.ps1'"
ping -n 1 >nul: 2>nul:
Del DisIP6.ps1
SET /P QQ16= Disabl Wi-Fi Sense Y N or X?
If %QQ16%==y goto Q16Y
if %QQ16%==Y goto Q16Y
if %QQ16%==n goto Q17
if %QQ16%==N goto Q17
if %QQ16%==x goto End
if %QQ16%==X goto End
goto Q16
REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi" /V AllowWiFiHotSpotReporting /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\WiFi" /V AllowAutoConnectToWiFiSenseHotspots /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
SET /P QQ17= Restrict Windows Update P2P only to local network Y N or X?
If %QQ17%==y goto Q17Y
if %QQ17%==Y goto Q17Y
if %QQ17%==n goto Q18
if %QQ17%==N goto Q18
if %QQ17%==x goto End
if %QQ17%==X goto End
goto Q17
REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization\Config" /V DODownloadMode /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization" /V SystemSettingsDownloadMode /T REG_DWORD /D 3 /F
SET /P QQ18= Disable Corana with PowerShell Y N or X?
If %QQ18%==y goto Q18Y
if %QQ18%==Y goto Q18Y
if %QQ18%==n goto Q19
if %QQ18%==N goto Q19
if %QQ18%==x goto End
if %QQ18%==X goto End
goto Q18
Echo Write-Host "Disabling Cortana..." >%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo If (!(Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings")) { >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings" -Force ^| Out-Null >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo } >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings" -Name "AcceptedPrivacyPolicy" -Type DWord -Value 0 >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo If (!(Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization")) { >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Force ^| Out-Null >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo } >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name "RestrictImplicitTextCollection" -Type DWord -Value 1 >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name "RestrictImplicitInkCollection" -Type DWord -Value 1 >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo If (!(Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore")) { >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore" -Force ^| Out-Null >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo } >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
Echo Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore" -Name "HarvestContacts" -Type DWord -Value 0 >>%temp%\DisCortana.ps1
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& './%temp%\DisCortana.ps1'"
ping -n 2 >nul: 2>nul:
Del %temp%\DisCortana.ps1
SET /P QQ19= Uninstall Default apps with PowerShell Y N or X?
If %QQ19%==y goto Q19Y
if %QQ19%==Y goto Q19Y
if %QQ19%==n goto Q20
if %QQ19%==N goto Q20
if %QQ19%==x goto End
if %QQ19%==X goto End
goto Q19
Echo If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]"Administrator")) { >%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Start-Process powershell.exe "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$PSCommandPath`"" -Verb RunAs >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Exit >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo } >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Write-Output "Uninstalling default apps" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo $apps = @( >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # default Windows 10 apps >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.3DBuilder" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.Appconnector" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingFinance" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingNews" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingSports" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingTranslator" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingWeather" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.FreshPaint" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.GamingServices" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MicrosoftPowerBIForWindows" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MinecraftUWP" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Office.OneNote" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.People" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Print3D" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.SkypeApp" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Wallet" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # "Microsoft.Windows.Photos" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # "Microsoft.WindowsAlarms" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # "Microsoft.WindowsCamera" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.WindowsMaps" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.WindowsPhone" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.WindowsStore" # can't be re-installed >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxApp" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.YourPhone" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.ZuneMusic" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.ZuneVideo" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # Threshold 2 apps >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.CommsPhone" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.ConnectivityStore" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.GetHelp" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Getstarted" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Messaging" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Office.Sway" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.OneConnect" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # Creators Update apps >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.MSPaint" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #Redstone apps >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingHealthAndFitness" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.BingTravel" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.WindowsReadingList" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # Redstone 5 apps >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.ScreenSketch" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.YourPhone" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # non-Microsoft >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"2FE3CB00.PicsArt-PhotoStudio" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"46928bounde.EclipseManager" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "4DF9E0F8.Netflix" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "613EBCEA.PolarrPhotoEditorAcademicEdition" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "6Wunderkinder.Wunderlist" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"7EE7776C.LinkedInforWindows" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "9E2F88E3.Twitter" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "A278AB0D.DisneyMagicKingdoms" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "A278AB0D.MarchofEmpires" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "ActiproSoftwareLLC.562882FEEB491" # next one is for the Code Writer from Actipro Software LLC >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "CAF9E577.Plex" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "ClearChannelRadioDigital.iHeartRadio" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "D52A8D61.FarmVille2CountryEscape" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"D5EA27B7.Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "DB6EA5DB.CyberLinkMediaSuiteEssentials" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"DolbyLaboratories.DolbyAccess" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"DolbyLaboratories.DolbyAccess" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Drawboard.DrawboardPDF" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Facebook.Facebook" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Fitbit.FitbitCoach" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Flipboard.Flipboard" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "GAMELOFTSA.Asphalt8Airborne" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "KeeperSecurityInc.Keeper" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "PandoraMediaInc.29680B314EFC2" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Playtika.CaesarsSlotsFreeCasino" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "ShazamEntertainmentLtd.Shazam" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "SlingTVLLC.SlingTV" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "TheNewYorkTimes.NYTCrossword" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "ThumbmunkeysLtd.PhototasticCollage" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "TuneIn.TuneInRadio" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "WinZipComputing.WinZipUniversal" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "XINGAG.XING" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "flaregamesGmbH.RoyalRevolt2" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "*" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # apps which cannot be removed using Remove-AppxPackage >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.BioEnrollment" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.Windows.Cortana" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.WindowsFeedback" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo #"Windows.ContactSupport" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo # apps which other apps depend on >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo "Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo ) >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo foreach ($app in $apps) { >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Write-Output "Trying to remove $app" >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Get-AppxPackage -Name $app -AllUsers ^| Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo. >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online ^| >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $app ^| >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
Echo } >>%temp%\UnInst.ps1
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& './%temp%\UnInst.ps1'"
ping -n 2 >nul: 2>nul:
Del %temp%\UnInst.ps1
:: ***********************
goto Q26
:: ***********************
SET /P QQ20= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ20%==y goto Q20Y
if %QQ20%==Y goto Q20Y
if %QQ20%==n goto Q21
if %QQ20%==N goto Q21
if %QQ20%==x goto End
if %QQ20%==X goto End
goto Q20
SET /P QQ21= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ21%==y goto Q21Y
if %QQ21%==Y goto Q21Y
if %QQ21%==n goto Q22
if %QQ21%==N goto Q22
if %QQ21%==x goto End
if %QQ21%==X goto End
goto Q21
SET /P QQ22= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ22%==y goto Q22Y
if %QQ22%==Y goto Q22Y
if %QQ22%==n goto Q23
if %QQ22%==N goto Q23
if %QQ22%==x goto End
if %QQ22%==X goto End
goto Q22
SET /P QQ23= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ23%==y goto Q23Y
if %QQ23%==Y goto Q23Y
if %QQ23%==n goto Q24
if %QQ23%==N goto Q24
if %QQ23%==x goto End
if %QQ23%==X goto End
goto Q23
SET /P QQ24= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ24%==y goto Q24Y
if %QQ24%==Y goto Q24Y
if %QQ24%==n goto Q25
if %QQ24%==N goto Q25
if %QQ24%==x goto End
if %QQ24%==X goto End
goto Q24
SET /P QQ25= ******Question***** Y N or X?
If %QQ25%==y goto Q25Y
if %QQ25%==Y goto Q25Y
if %QQ25%==n goto Q26
if %QQ25%==N goto Q26
if %QQ25%==x goto End
if %QQ25%==X goto End
goto Q25
SET /P QQ26= Reset the TCPIP stack Y N or X?
If %QQ26%==y goto Q26Y
if %QQ26%==Y goto Q26Y
if %QQ26%==n goto Q27
if %QQ26%==N goto Q27
if %QQ26%==x goto End
if %QQ26%==X goto End
goto Q26
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
SET /P QQ27= Install Russian Language Y N or X?
if %QQ27%==y goto Q27Y
if %QQ27%==Y goto Q27Y
if %QQ27%==n goto Q28
if %QQ27%==N goto Q28
if %QQ27%==x goto End
if %QQ27%==X goto End
goto Q27
Echo $LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList >%temp%\InstRuss.ps1
Echo $LanguageList.Add("ru") >>%temp%\InstRuss.ps1
Echo Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList -Confirm:$False >>%temp%\InstRuss.ps1
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& './%temp%\InstRuss.ps1'"
ping -n 2 >nul: 2>nul:
Del %temp%\InstRuss.ps1
SET /P QQ28= Enable System Restore and set to 20 GB Y N or X?
If %QQ28%==y goto Q28Y
if %QQ28%==Y goto Q28Y
if %QQ28%==n goto Q30
if %QQ28%==N goto Q30
if %QQ28%==x goto End
if %QQ28%==X goto End
goto Q28
Echo Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive "C:\" >"%TEMP%\SysResto.ps1"
Echo vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=%SystemDrive% /For=%SystemDrive% /Maxsize=20GB >>"%TEMP%\SysResto.ps1"
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& './%temp%\SysResto.ps1'"
ping -n 2 >nul: 2>nul:
Del "%temp%\SysResto.ps1"
SET /P QQ30= Do you want to scan the Windows System Files for Corruption Y N or X?
If %QQ30%==y goto Q30Y
if %QQ30%==Y goto Q30Y
if %QQ30%==n goto End
if %QQ30%==N goto End
if %QQ30%==x goto End
if %QQ30%==X goto End
goto Q30
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:repairSource\install.wim
sfc /scannow
Color 71
Echo Started: %Day%-%Month%-%Year% %StartTime%
Set Year=%date:~10,4%
Set Month=%date:~4,2%
Set Day=%date:~7,2%
Set EndTime=%Time:~0,5%
Echo Completed: %Day%-%Month%-%Year% %EndTime%
Echo You should restart Windows now.
Echo Thank you!